A guide to full stack web development in Rust

Super fast secure applications in a language you love

The Database

High performance database code generated from SQL

You'll never use an ORM ever again.

Database Migrations.
Keep your database schema in sync across multiple developers and your production servers.
Code Generation.
Generate type-checked Rust interfaces from your PostgreSQL queries
The database that can handle almost any workload
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Create Great Looking Applications

Server Side and Client Side rendering

Generate your pages on the server and enhance with webassembly

Pages rendered on the backend in Rust
SSR for better developer and user experience.
Made responsive with the islands architecture
Begin with a plain HTML page and add small areas of interactivity with Rust.
100% Rust CSR and SSR
Stay in one language with the tools you know and love.
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Cloud or Bare Metal

Kubernetes First

Build applications that can be deployed in the cloud or on bare metal

Learn one way to deploy and deploy everywhere in the same way.
Swap Infra as Code for a Rust K8's operator
Infrastructure as code with Rust. No new tools to learn.
Ci/CD Pipelines
How we build and test kubernetes applications on every push.
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Take a look at our architecture

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