Cloudflare as Ingress
cloudflared is a tool we can use to connect our cluster securely to the outside world.
Cloudflare also gives us the option to use Quick Tunnels so we don't even have to setup a Cloudflare account at this stage.
Cloudflare will handle TLS termination for us, saving us some setup on our cluster.
Setting up the tunnel
Create a infra-as-code/cloudflare.ts
and add the following
import * as kx from "@pulumi/kubernetesx"
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"
export function cloudflareTunnel(
namespace: pulumi.Output<string>,
url: string) {
const cloudflaredPod = new kx.PodBuilder({
containers: [{
name: "cloudflare-tunnel",
image: "cloudflare/cloudflared:latest",
command: ["cloudflared", "tunnel", "--url", url],
let deployName = pulumi.interpolate `${namespace}-cloudflare-tunnel`
new kx.Deployment("cloudflare-tunnel", {
metadata: {
name: deployName,
namespace: namespace
spec: cloudflaredPod.asDeploymentSpec({ replicas: 1 })
Creating a service
We need to create a Kubernetes Service so that the Cloudflare tunnel can see out application.
Add the following to bottom of index.ts
new k8s.core.v1.Service("application", {
metadata: {
name: "application",
spec: {
ports: [
{ port: 3000, targetPort: 3000 }
type: "ClusterIP",
selector: {
cloudflareTunnel(, "http://application:3000")
At the top of index.ts
import our cloudflareTunnel
import { cloudflareTunnel } from './cloudflare'
Getting our external URL